Red Menace Lineup Error

Hello all,

This is to inform you that Red Menace has been playing with 5 D’s for the past month. It stems from a trade he did with Yoshi’s cookies in Dec 22nd 2010, when he traded Wisniewski to YC. He missed making the appropriate line change that week and we charged him 2 lineup changes (one for Doan and one for the Wiz). The following week he changed Doan but not the Wiz. This slipped through the cracks for both me and Giulio and for the past month he’s been playing with 5 D’s.

Therefore, because Giulio and I missed it, but RM should still be responsible for his roster, we’ll be charging 1 lineup change every week that he missed (usually it doubles every week the GM doesnt replace a player in his lineup). If by this Sunday, the change isn’t made, then the doubling begins again.

Thank you for your understanding,



  1. TO CONFIRM, the lineup change dates affected are:
    January 3 week
    January 10 week
    January 17 week
    January 24 week
    January 31 week

    penalty was assessed for week of Dec 27 originally (see Misc class of posts for the original violation).

    So an additional 5 lineup changes are charged.

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